Time To Crack Password

The exact time required to crack a password depends on many factors, including the computational power of the attacker's hardware, the algorithms and techniques used by the attacker, and the complexity of the password itself. However, here's a rough estimate of the time it could take to crack passwords of different lengths, based on a brute force attack:

  • 8 symbols: Can be cracked in a matter of seconds to minutes, even on a standard consumer-grade computer.
  • 16 symbols: Can be cracked in a matter of hours to days, even on a standard consumer-grade computer.
  • 24 symbols: Could take several days to weeks to crack, even with a powerful computer.
  • 32 symbols: Could take several months to years to crack, even with a powerful computer. Nowaday, this is the minimum password length for the solid and secure passwords.
  • 64 symbols: Could take several decades to centuries to crack, even with a powerful computer.
  • 128 symbols: Could take many thousands of years to crack, even with a powerful computer.
  • 256 symbols: Could take billions or trillions of years to crack, even with a powerful computer.

It's important to keep in mind that these are rough estimates and that the actual time required to crack a password could be significantly different based on the specific factors involved. Additionally, it's worth noting that attackers can also use other methods to gain access to a password, such as exploiting security vulnerabilities in the software or hardware you are using, or tricking you into giving them your password (e.g., through phishing attacks). To minimize your risk, it's important to use strong, unique passwords and to follow good security practices, such as using two-factor authentication and being cautious when giving out personal information online.

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